Find answers to all your questions here
Is this web site free?
What types of students benefit from this web site?
Where does this site's content come from?
Is there a printer friendly version?
Where can I purchase your products?
Where can find more information?
What software do I need to download for my page to display correctly?
Is this web site free?
This site is currently running on donations from generous visitors. To keep the site running and
adding new features and content, please take a moment to make a small donation.
What types of students benefit from this web site?
Experienced and beginner musicians using all instruments will gain valuable insight from this web site. For experienced musicians, this
site will serve as a great review and reference guide of many important concepts in music used every day. For beginner students
with only one or two years
of experience, this web site will serve as a great starting point in understanding the most important music theory fundamentals. Some
beginner students will feel more comfortable with the material after reading certain sections several times over, along with a lot
of practice on their instrument. This site is intended to be accompanied with the assistance of a music teacher. Teachers
should assist their students with creating and practicing exercises that help
reinforce the concepts in this site.
Teachers can begin integrating teaching music theory concepts right from the beginning
in addition to teaching students their favorite songs. However, students do not need to be overwhelmed with theory right from the
start. The best way to integrate music theory with new or young students is to slowly put simple concepts from their favorite songs
to the forefront of their thoughts. With this approach, students learn the concepts, their favorite songs, and see how these music
theory concepts apply to real songs in real situations. As students progress, they can practice more complex theory concepts and
begin to analyze their favorite composers and songwriters with the tools from this web site.
Where does this site's content come from?
This web site's content comes from the book eVirtuoso-Music Theory Essentials. It can be purchased securely at
our web store.
Is there a printer friendly version?
Each lesson has a PDF icon
at the
top of each lesson. Click this link to save or print the lesson.
Download Adobe Reader to view PDF files.
Where can I purchase your products?
eVirtuoso-Music Theory Essentials, a great music theory book for all musicians, can be purchased securely at
our web store.
Where can find more information?
For more information, visit the eVirtuoso Forum and Blog sites
with more information and places to ask questions and leave comments.
What software do I need to download for my page to display correctly?
In order for all the features of this web site to function properly, please download the latest version of your
web browser (we recommend Firefox) and
Download Adobe Reader to view PDF files.