Music Theory Essentials
eVirtuoso-Music Theory Essentials

This book is a must-have for students and songwriters of all ages and skill levels. This book will be a great tool to improve fundamentals, as well as performances and compositions...

Teacher Schedule
eVirtuoso Teacher Schedule

eVirtuoso Teacher Schedule is a web site for music teachers that allows lesson schedule management. Teachers can maintain both a private and public schedule...

eVirtuoso for Guitarists
eVirtuoso for Guitarists

This PC software has many great music theory tools for every guitar player. Let the computer tackle the hard work so you can get straight to your guitar playing. This software works great alongside the music theory education book eVirtuoso-Music Theory Essentials...

MT | Engine 1.0
MT | Engine

Music Theory Engine 1.0 is designed for software developers creating musical applications with .NET technologies who are not completely familiar with music theory concepts or do not have the time/resources to code their own theory engine...